Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Paths to Permanent Residency in Canada

It can be difficult to make it to Canada. As a melting pot of cultures, full of hope and promise, it's a great home for anyone who might want to live here. It can be difficult, however, to afford permanent residency, and it can even seem like an impossibly high bar to clear. Sometimes, the need for permanent residency can even separate loved ones, who are unable or not yet willing to marry.

Still, there are other ways to move to Canada that you may not be aware of. While you'll definitely get to Canada sooner or later, if you're determined enough, knowing about all of your options can make moving to one of the best places on earth seem all the more manageable. We'll briefly discuss two ways that some people often overlook.

First, you can apply as a temporary foreign worker. All kinds of businesses, from chain restaurants all the way up to research teams, might need your help – and the temporary foreign worker program is a good deal for you and for them. Having lived in Canada for four years, for instance, can be a great boon when it comes time to apply for your visa.

Second, you could also come as a university student. Old or young, Canada's universities have a place for you, and that means that international student programs might be able to make your permanent residency dreams come true!

While it's hard to guarantee when and how you'll enter Canada sometimes, all legal methods are worth considering!

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