Thursday, 19 May 2016

Losing a Permanent Residency Card in Canada

A permanent residency card is one of the most important documents that you will own while in Canada. Not only are you required to possess this card at all times, but a PR card can also be used as a document when travelling abroad. Still, there could be times when this card is lost or stolen. What can you do and what steps will need to be taken as soon as possible?

Contacting the Call Centre

Once you have noticed that your card is lost, it is important to contact the call centre at Citizen Immigration Canada (CIC). As before, you will be required to fill out an application form for a new card. This form needs to be submitted even though you have already completed one in the past.

Losing a Card While Abroad

One of the most common ways to lose a card is during the hectic pace of travelling abroad. While this can be rather unsettling, solutions are available. The first thing to do is to go to the nearest Canadian visa office. They will log the card as lost or stolen.

You will then be issued with temporary identification. This must be presented to the authorities upon your return to Canada. It is thereafter wise to contact Citizen Immigration Canada and obtain a new card with your personal details.

Although losing a permanent residency card is frustrating, these are some of the easiest solutions to mitigate any problems that may occur.

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