Monday, 19 October 2015

Multiculturalism in Canada

In 1971, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as their policy.
Basically, it means that everyone that becomes residents or citizens of this country is entitled to retain their identity, ancestry and their culture without have to be assimilated into their new country. 

There are people from every country living here and celebrations are often held showcasing the music, the dance, the sports and of course the foods of all these different cultures. Even the grocery stores in most cities have an international section where different staples can be purchased. Classes in cooking from all the different cultures are available so that people can learn to make the delicious international dishes they might have tried in one of the restaurants or at a festival. In Toronto and Ottawa Ontario and of course in many of the big cities there are festivals during the summer months for just about every nationality where people gather and participate in the activities as well as to learn about the different cultures Some of the bigger cities offer youth groups to promote the cultures and encourage the younger generations to embrace their cultures and educate others as well.

Most cities have different areas where people from the same countries tend to gravitate towards each other. There are the Italian sections, the Chinese areas and German and Ukrainian where people feel welcome and where they often speak their language. There are also several clubs where different cultures gather together for fellowship. It can be overwhelming coming into a new country but if a new resident discovers others from their country who speak their language, they quickly feel more at home. To fully experience the different cultures that are part of the Canadian lifestyle you only need to go to one of the bigger airports and you will see people in various clothing styles and all speaking different languages. 

Any new resident from any country will quickly find out that Canadians are very friendly and welcoming.

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