Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Why Opt For Permanent Resident Status?

Becoming a permanent resident in Canada is a dream come true for many. With a green light to live in this liberal, flourishing country, permanent resident status really does open up the doors to all manner of opportunities. But many opt for this status over becoming a Canadian citizen, and whilst it's all down to permanent choice, there are many reasons to remain a permanent resident.

Less Red Tape

Luckily, Canada is one of those much sought after nations that recognises dual citizenship. However, getting to the stage of being a Canadian citizen does require considerably more paperwork and background checks, as well as more criteria that need to be satisfied before this status can be granted. For a permanent resident, a status that carries many of the benefits of being a citizen, less intensive work is required.

Work Prospects Don't Suffer

While it's true that many employers will only open doors to Canadian citizens, the fact still remains that most employers will happily employ a migrant worker who has permanent resident status. This is enough for the thousands of workers who take up employment on this proviso every year without a wish or requirement to extend their status to citizen.

Of course, being a citizen is the ultimate in living the Canadian dream, but for those who want a taster of Canadian life, permanent resident status should suffice.

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