Monday, 16 November 2015

How to Renew a Permanent Resident (PR) Card

Your PR card (Permanent Resident) in Canada is generally issued for a period of five years, so you will need to renew it when the expiry date is approaching. Thankfully, renewing your PR card is simple enough, as long as you have these documents and requirements at hand.


You need to complete and submit the application form for renewing your PR card, which can be accessed online. You must submit two photographs and the fee of $50 with your completed application. Photographs should be in the format specified by the Government of Canada and all the supporting documents needed need sending with your Canada Permanent Resident renewal application.

Necessary Documents

Documents you need to send include your valid Passport or travel document or a Certificate of Identity issued by the Minister of Citizenship in Canada or your country of origin; your record of landing in Canada or a provincial drivers' license or provincial photo ID card; and photocopy pages of your passport showing all travel in the past five years or an Income Tax Assessment issued within the past two years.

Seeking for Assistance

If your written and spoken English is not good enough to allow you to access all the information needed to renew your PR card, you'll find several agencies in Canada that can provide all the assistance you need to ensure your residence status card is renewed successfully.

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