Thursday, 17 December 2015

Living in Canada as a Permanent Resident

So you've just received permanent resident status in Canada and you find it a little hard to understand. Here's are some important facts about becoming a permanent resident of Canada to help clarify your situation.

What Is Permanent Resident Status in Canada

You have been given Permanent Resident Canada status because you have migrated or resettled in Canada as a citizen from another country, but you are not classed as a Canadian citizen. The Canada Immigration and Refugee Board has approved your claim to settle in Canada and your application for permanent resident status has been approved.

You will receive a permanent resident (PR) card, so any travels outside Canada can be made in the knowledge you won't experience difficulties when you enter Canada again. You are entitled to claim for most benefits available to Canadian citizens, including health care cover. You can choose to live and work or study anywhere in Canada and you are fully protected by all respective laws in the country. You can choose to apply for Canadian citizenship, if you wish.

As a Canada Permanent Resident you can opt to live outside Canada if you wish; however, you must spend at least two years in five living in Canada to retain your PR status.

If your PR card reaches its expiry date, you need to apply for a new card. It does not mean your right to residence in Canada has expired. If you need further information contact Government of Canada.

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