Tuesday, 1 December 2015

WelcomePack Canada Launches 'Welcome A Newcomer' Social Campaign

Canada has been welcoming new immigrants to her shores for generations, and Canadians are known world over for their friendly and welcoming spirit. Tapping into this spirit, WelcomePack Canada has launched its 'Welcome a Newcomer' campaign, where the company is encouraging all Canadians to reach out to a newcomer, and welcome them to their new home country. To welcome a new immigrant, visitors can go to the specially created page on the company website (www.welcomepackcanada.com/welcome-a-newcomer/) where they can send a special greeting card to newcomers. This inspiring e-card celebrates the beauty of the Canadian landscape, people and values, and welcomes the newcomer to be part of this magnificent land. The newcomers will also receive a free WelcomePack gift box filled with gifts, information and savings that are of immediate value to them.

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