Monday, 21 December 2015

Canada Migrants to Get More Invitations from CIC

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) announced further widening of the Express Entry scheme for 2016, leading to more invitations issued for people to become Permanent Residents of Canada.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Living in Canada as a Permanent Resident

So you've just received permanent resident status in Canada and you find it a little hard to understand. Here's are some important facts about becoming a permanent resident of Canada to help clarify your situation.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

WelcomePack Canada Launches 'Welcome A Newcomer' Social Campaign

Canada has been welcoming new immigrants to her shores for generations, and Canadians are known world over for their friendly and welcoming spirit. Tapping into this spirit, WelcomePack Canada has launched its 'Welcome a Newcomer' campaign, where the company is encouraging all Canadians to reach out to a newcomer, and welcome them to their new home country. To welcome a new immigrant, visitors can go to the specially created page on the company website ( where they can send a special greeting card to newcomers. This inspiring e-card celebrates the beauty of the Canadian landscape, people and values, and welcomes the newcomer to be part of this magnificent land. The newcomers will also receive a free WelcomePack gift box filled with gifts, information and savings that are of immediate value to them.

Monday, 23 November 2015

How Students Gain Permanent Residency in Canada

Foreign students in Canada often want to stay and Canada's keen to encourage this because of high employment demands. Students can apply for both temporary study and permanent residence in Canada and can enroll in several fast-track programs after they've graduated.

Monday, 16 November 2015

How to Renew a Permanent Resident (PR) Card

Your PR card (Permanent Resident) in Canada is generally issued for a period of five years, so you will need to renew it when the expiry date is approaching. Thankfully, renewing your PR card is simple enough, as long as you have these documents and requirements at hand.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Permanent Residency doesn’t mean Canadian Citizenship

Every year Canada welcomes thousands of immigrants from different countries across the world, and it’s easy to see why.

At almost four million square miles it is the world’s second largest country. With its vibrant bustling, multi-cultural cities, wide open spaces, and high employment prospects, Canada is the place many choose to start a new life.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Multiculturalism in Canada

In 1971, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as their policy.
Basically, it means that everyone that becomes residents or citizens of this country is entitled to retain their identity, ancestry and their culture without have to be assimilated into their new country. 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Three Things You Should Do After Moving to Canada

​The benefits of emigrating to Canada are certainly well-known, so it’s little wonder that the Great White North is such a popular destination for migrants who travel from all over the world. If you’re a recent arrival to our fair nation, here are three things you should probably take care of sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Paths to Permanent Residency in Canada

It can be difficult to make it to Canada. As a melting pot of cultures, full of hope and promise, it's a great home for anyone who might want to live here. It can be difficult, however, to afford permanent residency, and it can even seem like an impossibly high bar to clear. Sometimes, the need for permanent residency can even separate loved ones, who are unable or not yet willing to marry.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Attaining Permanent Residency Status in Canada

The Great White North is home to one of the highest immigration rates in the world yearly. In order to enjoy all the opportunities that this beautiful country has to offer, one must have completed the application process to become a permanent resident. 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Facts about being a Permanent Canadian Resident

Being a permanent Canadian resident means that you have responsibilities to yourself, your community, and your new home country. In this regard, you’d do well to know about very important facts about the permanent residency status in Canada—whether you’re in the early stages of deciding to move in or already settled down.